the commandments are just modern updates of more ancient laws . 戒律は古代のものを 改変したものだ
gunga was also called gunchi to emulate the ancient laws of china . また、中国の古制に倣って郡治(ぐんち)とも呼ばれた。
because i obey the ancient laws of my people , the kree , and punish those who do not . 過激派とか 狂信者とかいわれる 我々が古代の クリーの法に従い...
because the imperial agistment sites were required in four provinces (shinano , kai , musashi and kozuke ), the plots of grazing land were dispersed and , according to ancient laws and political guidelines the ceremonies took place in an eight day timeframe in august . 勅旨牧は信濃国・甲斐国・武蔵国・上野国の4国に及んだため、牧単位で分散して行われ、『延喜式』・『政事要略』によれば、8月のうちから8日間に分けて儀式が開かれた。